6 Amazing Rhassoul Clay Masks for Skin & Hair Care (DIY and Buy)

If you’re looking for the best rhassoul clay masks for your skin and hair, we’ve got you covered!

Below, we’ll look at two awesome DIY options (you can find more in our Rhassoul Clay benefits post, too).

Then, we’ll check out the best store-bought masks!

Let’s dig in!

If you're looking for the best rhassoul clay masks for your skin and hair, we've got you covered! Check out 6 fantastic options to buy or DIY!

6 Amazing Rhassoul Clay Masks for Skin & Hair Care (DIY and Buy)

A good beauty routine is essential if you want healthy hair and a flawless skin.

But again, you got to know the right products to use to get good results.

Sometimes, what you least expect could help is your one ticket to achieving an acne-free face.

When I was struggling with acne, spots, and bad hair, I didn’t believe that a simple mask could make any difference.

But then I decided to try it for the sake of trying because I didn’t have anything to lose.

I’m not saying I woke up the next morning with shiny hair and a flawless face, but I saw some developments for once.

If you’ve been trying everything else without any results, try these rhassoul clay masks.

FYI, this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. 

1.Homemade Natural Rhassoul Clay Mask for Any Skin

I know many skincare products have categories for aging skin, dry skin, acne face, and oily skin.

But rhassoul clay works for all skin types, especially overly sensitive skin or maturing skin.

Here is a simple DIY rhassoul clay face mask inspired by the Soap Deli News that you can add to your skincare routine.


  • 1 tbsp of lavender blossoms
  • 1 tbsp of calendula petals
  • 1 tbsp of chamomile petals
  • 1 tbsp of colloidal oatmeal
  • 8 drops of franchise essential oil
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops of bergamot essential oil
  • 2 oz of red rhassoul clay


Mix your chamomile, lavender, and calendula flowers and grind them into a fine mixture using a coffee grinder or food processor.

Add your clay, colloidal oatmeal, as well as lavender, bergamot, and franchise oils.

Use a fork to make an even mixture and store your mask in an airtight container.

During application, mix your clay with a tablespoon of aloe vera, green tea, milk, or water.

Apply the mask to your face and let it rest for at least 15 minutes. Use a damp cloth to remove it and dry your face gently.

Here is another version that’s worth trying.

2. DIY Rhassoul Clay Hair Mask for Healthy & Shiny Hair

I came across this hair mask at Queen Lynn La Beauté que tu mérites, and I’ve loved it since then.

Here is how to make something similar.


  • ¼ cup of rhassoul clay
  • Water (as needed)
  • 2 tbsp of argan oil
  • 5 drops of luxurious rose essential oil
  • Wooden spoon and bowl (avoid metal as it makes clay lose its potency)
  • Shower cap


Put your clay in your wooden bowl, followed by argan oil.

Next, add water to form a smooth paste. Lastly, add your rose essential oil and mix again to form a uniform mixture.

Apply the mask gently on your scalp before your shower, and wear a shower cap.

Allow it to rest for at least seven minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

Don’t use any shampoo because the rhassoul clay mask acts as a shampoo too.

If you want to explore another version, you can try the method below.

Best Rhassoul Mask to Buy

If you’re not a crafty person, or you simply have no time to make homemade rhassoul clay, that’s okay.

I also have my lazy moments, so I buy a ready-made mask to use for these days.

Here is a list of the best rhassoul mask clay recommendations.

3. Zakia’s Rhassoul Clay Mask

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This is a fantastic clay mask. It’s packed in environmentally friendly resealable bags, which is a plus if you like to conserve the environment.

The rhassoul mask is perfect for both your skin and hair care. It cleanses your scalp by removing all impurities without stripping your hair from its sebum. You can also use it as a shampoo to nourish, clean, and strengthen your hair.

It’s also great for your skin because it’s highly absorbent, which allows it to clean your skin without flakiness or dryness.

The mask is available on Amazon.

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4. Poppy Austin Rhassoul Clay (Fast Mix)

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I know this isn’t a clay mask, but it’s worth a mention. All you need is to mix the clay with water, and you have your mask.

Poppin Austin rhassoul clay is a natural and organic product, with zero additives whatsoever.

The clay mask has very stunning results for both hair and skin. After a few days of application, you notice your acne literally peel off. For best results, avoid overusing and moisturize well after use.

It also works well for hair care. After application, it leaves your hair feeling lighter and manageable.

You can buy the Poppy Austin rhassoul clay on Amazon.

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5. Monita Natural Care Rhassoul Clay Mask

This is a fantastic clay mask that has kaolin clay as well. And although it is excellent for all skin types, it’s especially beneficial for dry and aging skin.

To apply, mix it with any liquid of your choice and allow it to rest for fifteen minutes before rinsing.

For dry skin, add rosehip seed oil, sweet almond oil, or avocado oil to add moisture.

The clay mask is currently available at Etsy.

6. Mandala Organic Rhassoul Clay Mask

One thing that makes the Mandala rhassoul clay mask special is that it’s handmade. Since it’s organic, there is no fear of skin breaking or any other ugly reactions.

It can be used for all skin types.

You can check this rhassoul mask on Etsy.

Best Rhassoul Clay Masks (Final Thoughts)

I’ve tried very many skincare products, and I only recommend what I think is helpful.

This is because I understand the emotional and psychological struggles that come with a face full of acne.

Take a chance with the above rhassoul clay masks, and you’re highly likely to see a big difference than you’ve seen with chemical products.

If you’re already using the rhassoul clay mask, please tell us which brand you’re using and share your experience with us below.

About Sylvia K

Sylvia is one of the most joyful people you’ll ever meet. She is a high advocate of self-love and encourages women to take care of themselves both mentally and physically. She loves girly talks especially salon talks (a little gossip doesn’t hurt) and spends most of her free time on skincare or hair care. READ HER LATEST ARTICLES. Find her on LINKEDIN. Learn more about her HERE.