Turmeric Benefits for Hair + 6 Masks to Buy or Make at Home

Curious to know if there are any great turmeric benefits for hair?

Well, there are!

It’s absolutely incredible in food, but it also has impressive properties for hair and skin.

We already discussed how important it is for the skin, but let’s go ahead and talk about how the underrated spice helps your hair. 

Curious about Turmeric benefits for hair? Check out 4 reasons to add it to your at-home beauty routine, plus our favorite turmeric hair masks to buy or DIY!

What are some of the best turmeric benefits for hair?

Before we dive into these benefits of turmeric for your hair, I just need to add a little disclaimer.

Since we’re talking about things like “hair growth” and what not, I have to remind you that these are not medical claims.

Generations of women have used turmeric for beautiful hair, but we can’t “claim” that it works without getting in trouble with pesky government agencies.

Also, if you’re experiencing thinning hair or extremely dry scalp issues, please contact your doctor.

While these issues usually have a benign cause, they can also be signs of a serious medical condition.

For example, thinning hair can be a sign of a thyroid problem, PCOS, and other potentially serious issues.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s dive into the potential turmeric benefits for hair!

1. Stimulates Hair Growth

Turmeric is very useful if you’re dealing with hair fall problems. 

Regular masks will regenerate your hair follicles, and your hair will start growing nice and healthy!

Fenugreek World has some great tips on using the spice to help grow a healthier head of hair.

I recommend reading that, because it’s not quite as simple as just smudging some spice on your scalp (although that does have some benefits as well).

2. Helps combat dandruff

Turmeric is fantastic for dealing with nasty dandruff, since it helps absorb the oils that lead to a flaky scalp.

It’s also an amazing anti-inflammatory, which helps “calm” your hair follicles down and keep them from getting over-active.

If you’d like to learn more about this benefit, I really enjoyed this article from Lifealth.

3. Great for itchy scalp from eczema and other conditions

Since turmeric works as both an anti-inflammatory and an antifungal, it really helps soothe an itchy scalp caused by eczema and other conditions.

This is one of the few turmeric benefits for hair that actually has a scientific study to back it up.

4. Naturally colors your hair (with huge caveats)

Did you know that people have used turmeric as a natural colorant for ages?

It’s useful for everything from dying fabric to- yes- your hair.

Like I said, though, this benefit comes with huge caveats.

If your hair is naturally blond, then yes, it’ll give you a fun orangish shade.

It can also add some highlights to a very light brown.

However, don’t expect it to do much to dark hair beyond maybe (and that’s a huge maybe) give you a few very faint highlights.

You could always bleach your hair first, but then that kind of defeats the purpose of using a natural hair colorant, right?

Okay, now that we know some of the benefits of turmeric for your hair, let’s check out a few amazing masks that you can make or buy!

Curious about Turmeric benefits for hair? Check out 4 reasons to add it to your at-home beauty routine, plus our favorite turmeric hair masks to buy or DIY!

Try these Korean bangs haircut!

DIY Turmeric Hair Masks

1. Honey and Turmeric Hair Mask

As I said, turmeric has the ability to regenerate your hair follicles and thicken your hair. When you combine it with honey, you get an incredible repairing and moisturizing combo.

For this mask, you need to mix together two tablespoons of turmeric and one tablespoon of honey.

Apply them to your roots and leave the mask in for 20 minutes. When you’re done, simply wash your hair as usual.

Here’s a video tutorial that I love:

2. Turmeric and Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are very rich in regenerative vitamins and minerals, and if you’ve been bleaching your hair a lot, you may need this hair mask.

For this mask, you need one tablespoon of turmeric, two egg yolks, and two tablespoons of olive oil.

Apply it to your hair, and let it dry. After that, thoroughly wash it and continue your routine.

3. Turmeric and Olive Oil

If you need your hair to feel softer than ever, you should apply this mask once a week. Olive oil is one of the best and natural moisturizers, and it’s been used for thousands of years already.

You can make this mask by mixing two tablespoons of turmeric and half a cup of olive oil.

You can add more or less, depending on your hair length. This mask needs to cover all your hair. Leave it in your hair for 20 minutes, and then wash it off!

I also like this one, which adds black pepper to the mix:

Turmeric Hair Masks to Buy

If you don’t have the time to make one of these masks, there are still some options you can buy.

4. Turmeric-Based Conditioner

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This hair conditioner is made out of turmeric and shea butter as the main components.

It will nourish and repair your hair, and you can use it every time you wash your hair.

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5. Hair and Body Turmeric Oil

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If you’re looking for a product you can use on both your skin and hair, this turmeric-based oil will be just perfect.

It’s also got coconut oil so that your hair will be moisturized and healthy all the time.

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6. Turmeric Dry Hair Cream

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This is a product you can use all the time you need, as it’s made to be applied on dry hair.

It strengthens the hair and makes it look and feel natural.

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Turmeric has impressive benefits for hair, so if you’re looking for a product to help you regenerate your hair, you definitely found it.

Have you experienced any of these turmeric benefits for hair? What are your favorite DIY at-home beauty products to try? Share below!

About Andrea

Leialeanna is a writer and beauty product tester for Those Graces. Her unusual name arose as a way to settle an argument between her parents. Her dad- an avid Star Wars fan- wanted to name her after Princess Leia. Her mom chose Leanna after her grandmother. Since they couldn’t decide on what, they went with both! Lelee prides herself on being as unique as her name! Read her Latest Articles Find her on FACEBOOK AND Instagram. Learn more about her HERE.