6 Amazing Avocado Masks for Hair to Buy or DIY

If you’re looking for amazing avocado masks for hair, come on it!

From at-home beauty DIYs to store-bought ideas, I’ve got you covered.

Or should I say, I’ve got your hair covered!

Jokes aside, though, the info below will help you get amazing locks in no time.

If you’re looking for amazing avocado masks for hair, come on it! From at-home beauty DIYs to store-bought ideas, we’ve got you covered. Check it out!

6 Amazing Avocado Masks for Hair to Buy or Make At Home

We all know that avocado is a superfood for our bodies, right?

If you didn’t, one quick skip over to Instagram will make sure you’re well aware, as everyone and their dogs are posting avocado-centric food photos these days.

Did you know, though, that it’s also absolutely amazing for your hair?

Thanks to the many nutrients, avocado can moisturize your hair, and make it more beautiful than ever.

It’s one of the simplest ways to achieve that amazing and glowing hair. Because of that, it would be wonderful to also have some avocado hair masks ideas around.

Let’s look at a few that you can easily make at home, then we’ll check out some that you can buy.

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If you’re looking for amazing avocado masks for hair, come on it! From at-home beauty DIYs to store-bought ideas, we’ve got you covered. Check it out!

DIY Avocado Hair Masks

You can easily make amazing avocado masks for hair at home with very little time, money, or effort.

Honestly, even just avocado alone mashed and worked into your locks will do wonders for your hair!

However, these three DIY ideas take things a step farther, adding an additional ingredient for specific hair needs.

1. Avocado and Coconut Oil Hair Mask

If you’re looking for a mask to help repair damaged hair, then you need to try this one.

Trust me, it couldn’t get any easier than this!

If your hair feels damaged, it’s most likely dehydrated, and both avocado and coconut oil provide incredible moisturizing. 

For this avocado mask for hair, you need one mashed avocado and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.

Mix them together and apply it to your whole head, not just the roots.

After about 20 minutes, wash it off as you’d normally do.

2. Avocado and Honey Hair Mask

This is the mask you need if you feel like your hair doesn’t shine like it used to.

Honey is a powerful moisturizer and leaves the hair feeling soft and natural.

For this mask, you need one mashed avocado, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, and if you want, you can add any essential oils you like. 

Mix everything together and apply it to your hair for no more than 20 minutes. As usual, when you’re done, just wash your hair.

I love the tutorial video below for this one!

3. Avocado and Egg White

When it comes to hair, egg white is highly underappreciated.

The egg proteins have the power to repair heavily damaged hair, and also remove any excess oils that may lead to dandruff.

You can prepare this mask using one mashed avocado, two egg whites, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

You should leave this mask in for 20 minutes, or until your hair dried out from the egg white. When the time is up, wash your hair. 

Avocado Masks to Buy

Because someone we simply don’t always have the time to prepare hair masks – even the easiest of them- there are also some very interesting options to buy.

4. Avocado and Coconut Hair Mask

This one by Majestic Pure is the one you want if you really loved that first avocado and olive oil hair mask idea.

It ill moisturize and regenerate your hair, and it will look healthier than ever!

5. Almond and Avocado Hair Mask

Now, this is a wonderful combination.

Almonds are filled with essential hair vitamins, and they have the purpose of moisturizing and repairing your hair.

You won’t have problems detangling your hair, and every hairstyle you try will look incredible.

Find this amazing mask on Amazon.

6. Shea and Avocado Hair Mask

This is one of the hair masks that promote hair growth.

The nutrients in Shea will stimulate your hair follicles, while the avocado will make sure your hair stays healthy and nourished.

I love how it comes in individual packets that you can just grab and use.

Grab it on Amazon.

When we talk about avocado hair masks, we think about deep moisturizing, as this is what our hair needs the most.

Dust, wind, low temperatures, bleaching, are deteriorating our hair, of course, some more than others.

It’s important to remember that even the most damaged hair can be repaired with the right products.

What are your favorite avocado masks for hair? Share below!

About Andrea

Leialeanna is a writer and beauty product tester for Those Graces. Her unusual name arose as a way to settle an argument between her parents. Her dad- an avid Star Wars fan- wanted to name her after Princess Leia. Her mom chose Leanna after her grandmother. Since they couldn’t decide on what, they went with both! Lelee prides herself on being as unique as her name! Read her Latest Articles Find her on FACEBOOK AND Instagram. Learn more about her HERE.