Face Yoga Exercises: 8 Moves for a Firmer & Healthier Look

If you’re not trying these face yoga exercises below, you’re missing out!

They’re fantastic for toning your skin & facial muscles, not to mention very relaxing.

Plus, literally anyone can do them, regardless of your overall yoga experience.

Let’s check them out, shall we?

Face Yoga Exercises for a Healthier & Firmer Appearance

You’ve heard of “downward facing dog,” “the tree pose” and countless other yoga moves, right?

Did you know, though, that you can also use yoga to do facial exercises?

There are many amazing benefits, from toning your skin to reducing the visible appearance of a double chin. Let’s take a look at the top reasons to try it.

Benefits of Face Yoga

Some of the benefits of doing face yoga include:

  • Improves the blood circulation
  • Strengthens and tones the face muscles
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightens the face skin
  • Reduces excess fat in the face and tones your features.

If you’re still not convinced, check out the video below for more benefits. Then scroll on to check out my favorite yoga face exercises.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is not intended for medical reasons by any means. It is not an alternative for medical guidance and help.

Face Yoga Exercises

Most of these are pretty self-explanatory and easy to figure out. For those that are trickier, though, I included videos.

1: Blowing Kisses Pose

This one targets the muscles and skin around your mouth. It’s super easy and actually fun to do! All you have to do is:

  • Blow several flying kisses.
  • Start small, increase gradually. You can do up to 100 kisses a session!

Basically, pretend you’re blowing kisses to your millions of fans as you stroll down the red carpet to accept your Academy Award. 🙂 Check the video below for more tips.

2: The PufferFish

This is a great work from home exercise to achieve the perfect sculpted cheekbones. Here’s how to do it:

  • Fill air in your mouth, as much as you can, puffing out your cheeks (like a pufferfish!).
  • Hold it steady for as long as you can, while breathing through your nose.
  • Initially, start small and slowly expand to 3 minutes.
  • You can do a count of 10 or 20.
  • Release the air.

Remember to breathe through your nose! You’re not holding your breath so much as just holding air in your cheeks. See the video below for more tips.

3: The V

This one helps to strengthen and tone your muscles too.

It is great for fine lines under and around the eye area. The V improves blood circulation and makes the skin youthful.

  • Place the middle finger at the center of your forehead, between your brows. Meanwhile, place your index finger at the other end of your brow.
  • Look up towards the roof and gently squint upwards. Relax while doing. Then, level your eyes back down.
  • Breathe in and out to relax throughout the exercise.

Take a look at the video to see exactly how to do it.

4: Smile Smoother

This exercise is useful for lifting the cheeks and neck area. It also prevents the lines around the mouth aka smile lines. Here is a quick how-to:

  • Make an O shape using your mouth but covering the teeth. (kind of like your “shocked and appalled” expression).
  • Next, shift into a sort of smile, but with the teeth being still covered by the lips (think, “fake surprised” expression).
  • Keep switching from O-shape to smile back-and-forth.
  • Next place your index finger in your chin and slowly pull your head backwards and then back down. Meanwhile, keep squinting your mouth.

5: Forehead Therapy

This face yoga exercise is great for releasing tension in the forehead muscles and preventing those forehead lines.

It also helps in improving the natural elasticity of the skin. The instructions are:

  • Place your fingers on the center of the forehead.
  • Move it to the sides, sweeping off.
  • Lift and repeat multiple times. Make sure to be gentle and not to drag your skin. Otherwise, it’ll end up doing the opposite of what we intend to!

6: The Giraffe

The Giraffe helps to lift and tone the under jaw area and neck. The steps are:

  • Place your hands on the neck and gently move your head back as you stare up towards the roof.
  • Stroke your hands down towards the collarbone.
  • Repeat again. This time stick your hand to the collarbone and pout your bottom lip. During this you’ll feel the front neck muscle toning and strengthening.
  • Bring your head back to its initial position.

7: Acupressure Points

This one helps to increase the blood circulation and skin. It also helps to release stress and sleep better. Follow these instructions:

  • Place your index finger between the brows gently. You can close your eyes if you wish to.
  • Breathe in and out through the nose.
  • Gradually press your index finger to increase the pressure.
  • Circle in using the same index finger in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
  • Next, take your two fingers to pinch and release the jawline area, all the way up. Repeat it twice or thrice. This helps to release the tension in the jaw area. It also helps to lift and tone the jaw area.

8: Overall Face Circulation

Another ancient Indian medicine gem that improves the circulation of the face overall. Steps are:

  • Place your index finger on the front of your earlobe. Meanwhile, your thumb is behind the earlobe. Both the hands should be in this position.
  • Now gently pull your earlobe downwards three times.
  • Next, do the same thing three times to the upper edge of the ears.
  • Follow the same procedure to the upper part of the ears. Again three times is the charm!

You’ll feel the warmth across your face. It signifies the improvement of the blood circulation in your face area.

Face yoga is not only a cheaper alternative to botox and facial fillers, it is also a fun and great way to strengthen your face and make it look firmer. Try it yourself!

what are your favorite face yoga exercises? Share below!

About Edith Russo

Edith is a self-made entrepreneur with a keen business sense that others admire and a total “can-do” attitude. She’s always coming up with new ideas to anticipate her readers’ needs and help solve all their toughest beauty and skincare problems. READ HER LATEST ARTICLES. FOLLOW HER on Linkedin and Twitter. Learn more about her HERE.