The Ultimate Work From Home Exercise Routine

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With everyone spending more time in doors,  you need to find an option to create the best work from home exercise routine.

Happily, we have the best options for you, that will help you stay healthy and happy while having to do everything inside.

Let’s take a look at some very easy exercises you can do daily to stay in shape!

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Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile moves!

The Ultimate Work From Home Exercise Routine

Before we check out this easy work from home exercise routine, just one quick little note- if you have an exisiting medical condition, please talk to your doctor before starting a new workout regime.

Also, remember, take it easy at first and work your way up to longer routines! Okay, let’s get started!

1. Plank

Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile moves!

Doing a plank is definitely harder than it seems, but with enough consistency, you can do it.

For starters, it would be amazing if you could keep the plank for about 15 seconds, and then increase to up to one minute.

Planking will strengthen your arms and abdomen, so it’s one of the easiest ways to gain those perfect abs you were looking for!

2. Pushups

Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile moves!

Pushups are some of the most basic exercises, but still incredibly effective.

Besides strengthening your hand muscles, they also have an amazing effect on your abdomen.

From the plank position, with your hands flat on the ground, start bending your elbows and lower your body to the ground. 

You can do how many you can, so it’s perfectly fine if you start with 5 and gradually increase to 50!

3. Lunges

Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile workout moves!

Even though it’s a very simple exercise, lunges will help you improve your balance while strengthening your legs muscles.

To start, you should have one foot in front of the other and your hands on your hips.

Next, you should take a step forward and bend your other knee.

You should stop the moment your thigh is parallel to the ground and hold the position for a couple of seconds.

You can do three sets, each with about 10 repetitions, or until you feel like you should take a break.

It won’t be easy in the beginning!

4. Squats

Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile workout moves!

Talking about classics, we can’t leave out the squats.

They are easy to do and with enough repetitions, your legs will look incredible.

Squatting can burn a lot of calories, so if you’re stuck inside and feel the need for some exercise, they’re a good option.

Fitness blogger Drew Kocak stated that squats actually burn more calories than running because they activate more muscles in the process. 

5. Situps

Need a great work from home exercise routine? Check out these 5 super versatile workout moves!

With a few series of sit-ups, you can burn some calories and also improve the shape of your abdominal muscles.

There are many types of sit-ups you can try, but the most basic will do at the beginning.

You should be on your back, with your hands behind your head and feet flat on the ground.

From that position, start lifting your body until you reach your knees.

With 15 repetitions at a time in three sets, you will easily get in the best shape!

Just remember, pull yourself up with your ab muscles, not your hands. In other words, don’t push or pull on your neck.

I know, it can be hard to stay in shape when you can’t really leave your house, but there are always options to feel and look better!

This work from home exercise routine will help you achieve that purpose, and you will be so happy you did it after all this is over!

What are some of your favorite work at home exercise routines? Share below!


About Andrea

Leialeanna is a writer and beauty product tester for Those Graces. Her unusual name arose as a way to settle an argument between her parents. Her dad- an avid Star Wars fan- wanted to name her after Princess Leia. Her mom chose Leanna after her grandmother. Since they couldn’t decide on what, they went with both! Lelee prides herself on being as unique as her name! Read her Latest Articles Find her on FACEBOOK AND Instagram. Learn more about her HERE.