Damaged Hair in Guys: Signs, Causes, and Treatment 

An important question for the men of our culture; do you know how to tell if your hair is damaged? What signs should you consider?

In this guide, I will be detailing a couple of points and factors to help determine if men’s or guys’ hair is damaged!

It’s important that you know the usual causes of men’s damaged hair, and it’ll be easy for you to avoid them. Read more to find out!

Key Takeaways

  • Dullness, rough texture, increased breakage.
  • Over-styling, chemical treatments, prolonged sun exposure.
  • Moisturizing products, reduced heat styling, protective measures.

What Causes Damaged Hair For Men?

There are many culprits that conspire and make up dry hair, eventually leading to damaged hair for men.

1. Too Much Sun Exposure

For men, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from both natural and artificial sources can be damaging to your skin, and yes, it can damage your scalp, including your hair’s outer layer (hair cuticle).

When this is damaged, it isn’t able to hold and lock moisture effectively, resulting in dry or brittle hair.

EXPERT NOTE: For safety, health experts say that you need to go out either early or late in the day [1]. Refrain also from staying longer than ten (10) minutes under the heat of the sun.

2. Excessive Shampooing

Washing your hair with shampoo is an obvious way to clean your oily hair. However, doing this too much will actually give you unhealthy hair instead of a healthy one.

Shampoo cleans the hair and also rids it off of all the nutrients and relevant oils in the scalp, resulting in dry hair.

3. Too Much Chlorinated Water Exposure

Repeated exposure of your hair to chlorine not only reduces the natural oils in the hair but can also cause tons of chemical reactions in it. 

Excessive exposure of your hair to chlorinated water tends to weaken each hair strand, and at the same time, make each hair follicle vulnerable.

4. Heat Damage

Hair damage from heat can happen anywhere along the hair shaft, and quite possibly, your scalp.

Heat hair damage comes not only from sun exposure but also from hair products and equipment like a hairdryer, flat iron, chemical treatments, and other hair professional heated tools. 

5. Thyroid Problems

Last, but most definitely not least, among the most common causes of hair damage for men is the complication of the thyroid.

Apparently, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism [2] are known to cause hair loss. This type of hair loss involves the entire scalp, not only certain areas.

How Can Guys Tell if Their Hair is Damaged? 

The lack of moisture, hair loss, as well as high porosity hair is among the many signs of hair damage.

There are no particular hair types that are more prone to dryness and damage. It can affect curly hair, straight hair, or whatever shape or form of hair there is.

drying men's curly hair using a towel

1. Lack Of Moisture

The logic is simple; if your hair appears to be a bit off and dehydrated, then that simply means that there’s something wrong with it.

Watch out if your hair is lacking moisture or if your hair is soaking up more moisture than it should be. This is one of the earliest signs that you have damaged hair.

2. Traction Alopecia (Excessive Hair Loss)

Following the lack of moisture, traction alopecia, a type of hair loss, is also one of the most notable signs that you’re having hair breakage.

The usual cause of traction alopecia is the hard and constant pulling of the hair shaft, which can be because of tight braids and hair ties, ponytails, and buns. 

Another common culprit of hair loss is the lack of protein supplied to the hair. 

3. Incorrect Hair Products

Contrary to popular belief, there are certain hair products that are harshly chemically induced, possibly causing extreme dryness to the scalp, resulting in dry hair. 

As much as possible, avoid overusing hair products that contain the following ingredients:

  • Formaldehyde.
  • Alcohol (Isopropyl and Propyl).
  • Silicones.
  • Parabens.

EXPERT TIP: It’s fine to use them lightly and subtly, but the moment you overuse them on your hair, it won’t just promote hair loss, but it can also cause irritation and allergic reactions.

4. High Porosity Hair

A crown of hair that is highly porous means that it’s faster and able to absorb oils, liquids, and other products by your hair, which is good, right?

Unfortunately, it is the other way around. Most products today contain harsh chemicals that, when absorbed by the scalp, can dry the entire area out, giving you a rougher scalp and hair texture.

Now that you know the usual warning signs, what’s the best way to treat and recover from having damaged hair for men?

Here’s a quick video that serves as a guide on how you can be free from dry, frizzy hair: 

How to Properly Treat and Care For Damaged Hair For Guys

There are the best ways for men to maintain and care for damaged and unhealthy hair properly.

Among these, the most important ones are to use mild and safe shampoo and conditioner, use olive oil, add moisture to their hair, use almond oil, air dry, and avoid washing it excessively.

1- Use a Mild and Safe Shampoo (and Conditioner)

It’s actually not that hard — try finding shampoos and deep conditioners that contain natural ingredients that are mild and safe.

Using these products will cleanse and refresh your hair without experiencing the negative effects of using harsh and toxic chemicals.

2. Use Hair Products With Olive Oil

One of the things you can do to ensure your hair is kept healthy is to use products that contain olive oil.

This ingredient helps in rehydrating and in smoothening the hair cuticle, replenishing it, and feeding it with all the moisture needed.

3. Add Moisture to Your Hair

The right balance of moisture is key in ensuring your hair is kept hydrated. If you’re unsure of this, add extra moisture from a few selected hair products.

You can consider using a different shampoo and conditioner with argan, almond, castor, and jojoba oil. You can use a leave-in conditioner, cooler water when you wash your hair, etc.  

These natural ingredients help add moisture to your hair and make it shinier and healthier. 

EXPERT TIP: You can use direct oil extracts of jojoba oil and almond oil, as well as natural ingredients of the same kind, and apply it directly to your hair.

These are the things that helped a multitude of men who had damaged hair.


If you find this guide a little bit lacking, here are a few other questions asked by men who have damaged, dry hair.

Does Damaged Hair Fall Out More?

Yes, damaged hair can fall out more than healthy hair because the fall rate could exceed the regeneration rate.
This is the reason why one (1) of the primary signs of damaged hair is hair fall/hair loss.

How Do I Know If I Have Healthy Hair?

The following are the common signs that your hair is healthy:
– Natural shine and glow
– Elastic and flexible
– Smooth hair texture
– Can easily be detangled
– Does not frizz the hair

Final Thoughts – Is Your Hair Damaged?

So, for guys, in case you’re wondering how to tell if your hair is damaged, you don’t need to look for another guide any longer!

It doesn’t matter whether you have curly hair, straight hair, or processed hair, unhealthy hair knows no limits. 

With my guide, you won’t be running around clueless whether your hair is damaged or not. Instead, you’re armed with the knowledge of what needs to be done!


  • 1. Best Ways to Protect Your Hair From Sun Damage [Internet]. Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic. 2020. Available from: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/best-ways-to-protect-your-hair-from-sun-damage/
  • 2. Hair loss and thyroid disorders [Internet]. British Thyroid Foundation. Available from: https://www.btf-thyroid.org/hair-loss-and-thyroid-disorders#:~:text=Severe%20and%20prolonged%20hypothyroidism%20and

Do you have more tips on how to tell if your hair is damaged for guys? Please share with us!

About Edith Russo

Edith is a self-made entrepreneur with a keen business sense that others admire and a total “can-do” attitude. She’s always coming up with new ideas to anticipate her readers’ needs and help solve all their toughest beauty and skincare problems. READ HER LATEST ARTICLES. FOLLOW HER on Linkedin and Twitter. Learn more about her HERE.

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