How to Apply Face Moisturizer the Right Way

Wondering how to apply moisturizer on your face the right way?

Moisturizers have been in the beauty world since the beginning of time, so many take them for granted and consider them a product for dry skin or winters only. 

But let me assure you that using this simple product the wrong way can literally ruin your entire skin regimen irrespective of the type of skin and season.

So, let’s go step-by-step and learn how to get the most out of it.

4 Steps to Follow for Applying Moisturizer on Face

You might have grabbed the best moisturizer off the shelf to cure your cracked dry skin but if you are not using it correctly, it will not even come close to doing what you want it to do!

Below we bring you a valuable guide for how to apply moisturizer on your face to improve your relationship with this amazing product and achieve youthfully glowing skin in no time. 

#1 Start With a Clean Damp Face

an Asian girl cleansing her face

Moisturizers demand to be applied on a clean, slightly damp face. So, cleanse and exfoliate your skin, and instead of drying off your face completely leave it slightly damp.

Then if you wish you can apply your favorite serum or toner before finally applying this magical emollient to your face.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) also suggests that damp skin can absorb the product more conveniently allowing the skin to absorb the product’s goodness, leaving the skin hydrated.

This way of applying moisturizer is more effective as it lets the face absorb the product and the water as well. 

Pro tip: Avoid washing your face with hot water as it shreds the skin’s natural oil and moisture. 

#2 Application of the Product

pretty curly-haired lady putting moisturizing cream on her face

Now when your face is ready to cherish the product, take an almond-sized amount on the palm of your hand.

With the tip of your clean finger dab a small amount of the product all over your face. This is a great way to save the product from getting absorbed all over your hand only. 

Start with the driest part which is usually cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. Then to the rest of the face. This will allow dispersing the product according to the skin’s dryness level. 

For daytime application, use a moisturizer with an SPF of 30 to avoid premature aging and sun damage. 

#3 Spread the Product Using Circular Motions

putting moisturizer on a circular motion

Now spread each patch all over your face using a gentle circular motion. Avoid downward motions, rather go outward and upward, towards the outer side of your face.

Start this from your cheeks to the forehead then come to the nose, T-zones, and finally towards the chin, neck, and ears.  

The neck and ears are the most neglected region. So be careful to add them while washing and moisturizing both. 

#4 Moisturizing the Neck 

lady putting moisturizer on her neck

When you are done with the face bring the product towards the neck region as well. And spread the product all over your neck in a gentle upward motion.

The upward direction allows you to avoid dragging the skin to cause sagging. 

Avoid artificial ingredients and aggressive application even around the neck. Slightly dab the product and the skin will absorb it naturally.  

You can also check out this video:

Also Check: The Top Moisturizer For Sensitive Skin

How Much Moisturizer Should I Use?

smiling Korean lady putting her daily moisrurizer

The mistake many people do is apply excess products believing that they will be able to enjoy more benefits for their dry skin.

But in reality, the extra product creates a barrier on the skin causing oil secretion around T-zones and obviously wastage of product. 

After this, if you will apply makeup or other products over it they will also go wasted only. Generally, an almond-sized quantity is enough but this quantity also varies according to the type of moisturizer. Such as: 

  • Gel or water content moisturizers are thin in composition so if they are applied generously skin can still absorb the product easily. 
  • Whereas for thick moisturizers small quantity is enough to hydrate the skin. 

Most of the day creams are thinner in texture and the night creams are heavier for deep nourishment of the skin.

Therefore the best way is to check the ingredient list first and start with a small quantity and then spreading it gently all over the face. 

READ MORE: 5 Amazing Benefits of Moisturizing Face

When should I apply face moisturizer?

Learning how to apply face moisturizer is one battle won. Now comes the part, what is the best time to apply this essential product?
Moisturizers need to be significantly applied at least twice a day. Refer to the breakdown for further instruction: 
– Apply it in the morning after deep cleansing 
– Reapply the product if you shower, rinse, or wash your face. Also after having a good swim as well 
– Skin heals itself at night around 10 to 11 pm so apply your moisturizer before that. 
– Despite the oily skin, moisturizers are a must and should be added in daily skincare. 


Can you leave moisturizer on your face?

Moisturizers can stay up on your face for a maximum of 8 hours and leaving them on your skin allow them to do their magic and keep it hydrated all along. So let them sit on your skin until you feel the need of washing your face later. 
If you are planning to walk out in the sun then moisturizer with sunscreen is the arsenal you need the most. 

Should I moisturize at night or morning?

Moisturizing is not a luxury it’s a compulsory act even for normal skin types. You need it in the morning to prepare your skin for the coming day with hydrated and glowing skin. Whereas at night when your skin is repairing itself you need it to get intensive nourishment from the product. 
So, when should you moisturize? Moisturize during the day and at night both to prevent dull cracking skin. 


The beauty enthusiasts live by the mantra ‘Moisturize, Moisturize and Moisturize’.

When one thinks of pampering and taking care of their beloved skin moisturizing tops the list. For sensitive skin medicated moisturizers are recommended. 

For normal skin or combination skin, dermatologists suggest moisturizers with lightweight formulas. Whereas for sensitive skin right moisturizer creates a barrier to prevent dryness and sensitivity. 

Using the right eye cream and moisturizing cream is a game-changer and you will feel the difference in your fine lines and wrinkles if you live by this miraculous product.


  • “American Academy of Dermatology – Bing.” 2021. 2021.
  • “EWG Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database.” 2014. EWG. 2014.
  • “The Importance of Moisturizing – UTMC.” 2018. UTMC. 2018.
pretty lady putting moisturizer on her face

If you have more tips on how to apply moisturizer on your face, please share with us below!

About Edith Russo

Edith is a self-made entrepreneur with a keen business sense that others admire and a total “can-do” attitude. She’s always coming up with new ideas to anticipate her readers’ needs and help solve all their toughest beauty and skincare problems. READ HER LATEST ARTICLES. FOLLOW HER on Linkedin and Twitter. Learn more about her HERE.